011 208 6210 / 076 972 4343
138, Kandalanda, Homagama.
Sri Lanka


Photo Gallery
[photogallery filter=”true”]
Contact Form
[contactform to_email=”test@example.com” title=”Contact Form”]
Team Member
[ourteam show=”4″]
Latest Post
[latestposts show=”4″]
[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Our Team[/heading]

[social_area] [social icon=”facebook” link=”#”] [social icon=”twitter” link=”#”] [social icon=”linkedin” link=”#”] [social icon=”pinterest” link=”#”] [social icon=”google-plus” link=”#”] [social icon=”youtube” link=”#”] [social icon=”wordpress” link=”#”] [social icon=”flickr” link=”#”] [social icon=”skype” link=”#”] [/social_area]

Animation Name list
bounce, flash, pulse, shake, swing, tada, wobble, bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig, fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig, flip, flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY, lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut, rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight, slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutUp, rollIn, rollOut, zoomIn, zoomInDown, zoomInLeft, zoomInRight, zoomInUp

2 Column Content

[column_content type=”one_half” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_half_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

3 Column Content

[column_content type=”one_third” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_third” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_third_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 3 Content goes here…

4 Column Content

[column_content type=”one_fourth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fourth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fourth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 3 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fourth_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 4 Content goes here…

5 Column Content

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 3 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 4 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 5 Content goes here…



HR / Horizontal separation line

[hr] or

Separator / blank space

[separator height=”20″]

Blank space without image

[blankspace height=”20″]

[tab title=”TAB TITLE 1″]
[tab title=”TAB TITLE 2″]
[tab title=”TAB TITLE 3″]
Toggle Content

[toggle_content title=”Toggle Title 1″]
Toggle content 1…
[toggle_content title=”Toggle Title 2″]
Toggle content 2…
[toggle_content title=”Toggle Title 3″]
Toggle content 3…
Accordion Content

[accordion_content title=”ACCORDION TITLE 1″]
[accordion_content title=”ACCORDION TITLE 2″]
[accordion_content title=”ACCORDION TITLE 3″]

Gradient Button – Small

[gradient_button size=”small” bg_color=”#e00″ color=”#fff” text=”Medium Gradient Button” title=”Medium Gradient Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Gradient Button – Medium

[gradient_button size=”medium” bg_color=”#060″ color=”#fff” text=”Medium Gradient Button” title=”Medium Gradient Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Gradient Button – Large

[gradient_button size=”large” bg_color=”#026″ color=”#fff” text=”Large Gradient Button” title=”Large Gradient Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Gradient Button – Xtra Large
[gradient_button size=”x-large” bg_color=”#00ccff” color=”#fff” text=”Extra Large Simple Button” title=”Extra Large Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Simple Button – Small

[simple_button size=”small” bg_color=”#c00″ color=”#fff” text=”Small Simple Button” title=”Small Simple Button” url=”#” position=”left”]
Simple Button – Medium
[simple_button size=”medium” bg_color=”#060″ color=”#fff” text=”Medium Simple Button” title=”Medium Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Simple Button – Large
[simple_button size=”large” bg_color=”#026″ color=”#fff” text=”Large Simple Button” title=”Large Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Simple Button – Xtra Large
[simple_button size=”x-large” bg_color=”#00ccff” color=”#fff” text=”Extra Large Simple Button” title=”Extra Large Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Round Button – Light
[round_button style=”light” text=”Round Button” title=”Round Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Round Button – Dark

[round_button style=”dark” text=”Round Button” title=”Round Button” url=”” position=”left”]

Message Box – Success

[message type=”success”]This is a sample of the ‘success’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode[/message]

Message Box – Error

[message type=”error”]This is a sample of the ‘error’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]

Message Box – Warning

[message type=”warning”]This is a sample of the ‘warning’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]

Message Box – Info

[message type=”info”]This is a sample of the ‘info’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]

Message Box – About

[message type=”about”]This is a sample of the ‘about’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]

List Styles

[unordered_list style=”list-1″]

  • List style 1
  • [/unordered_list]

    You can use above shortcode OR simply add class to ul. You can choose from list-1 to list-10 styles.

    • List style 1

    Horizontal Separator

    [pricing_table bgcolor=”#999″][price_row bdcolor=”#c9c9c9″ constructservice=”Construction title” constructprice=”$ 15.99″][price_row bdcolor=”#c9c9c9″ constructservice=”Construction title” constructprice=”$ 15.99″][price_row bdcolor=”#c9c9c9″ constructservice=”Construction title” constructprice=”$ 15.99″][price_row bdcolor=”#c9c9c9″ constructservice=”Construction title” constructprice=”$ 15.99″][price_row bdcolor=”#c9c9c9″ constructservice=”Construction title” constructprice=”$ 15.99″][price_row constructservice=”Construction title” constructprice=”$ 15.99″][/pricing_table]


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    Developed & maintened by www.idealemons.com